

August 2018

The International Rally celebrating the Club’s 35th Anniversary is over!


Thanx an awful lot, dear Harley-Davidson, Buell and Indian-friends from all over Europe. The Rally is over and you all made an absolutely funtastic party of the 2018-edition of our International Rally. The grass was not green but the drinks were cool and seven fabulous topbands and the DJ's rocked the Kemps into the night. [...]

The International Rally celebrating the Club’s 35th Anniversary is over!2019-07-24T18:38:21+01:00



Due to the persistent drought, there will be a complete ban on fires, campfires and BBQs on the camping, festival and car park during the rally. The security services require special attention to fire safety during and after smoking and the use of glass at the event. Chilled mineral water will be offered for sale [...]


July 2018

Retie is being prepared for the International Harley-Davidson, Indian & Buell Rally, celebrating the clubs 35th Anniversary!


Howdy Friends, we're working our butts off to present you the next edition of the classic International Harley-Davidson, Indian & Buell Rally from Friday 3 August till Sunday 5 August 2018 in Retie (B).

Retie is being prepared for the International Harley-Davidson, Indian & Buell Rally, celebrating the clubs 35th Anniversary!2019-07-24T18:40:25+01:00

May 2018

BREAKING NEWS: Top Biker-bands in Retie!!!


Hello Harley-friends, A long and cold winter is behind us and we yearn to a new hot summer to get our bikes on the road and ride with the winds in our hair. The Free Wheeling Kempen-boys & girls did not hibernate, but strengthened their forces to start building their 32nd International Harley-Davidson, Buell & Indian Rally. All [...]

BREAKING NEWS: Top Biker-bands in Retie!!!2019-07-24T18:41:25+01:00